One thing also should be mentioned is that Amazon does not allow authors to benefit from their books being sold in the secondary market. In other words, authors cannot receive a royalty on a book being sold a second time.

NFTs however are programmable in such a way where an author could mint a certain number of copies of their book (1st edition for example) and program a percentage royalty to flow back to them every time the NFT (book, art, etc) were to change hands.

The NFT can also include bonus features that a regular book does not have such as exclusive access to the author/creator, and/or access to a community or private social group, event, etc that increase the value of the NFT asset that much the more.


-- DeFi + NFTs for Creators DeFi + NFTs for Creators

Written by DeFi + NFTs for Creators

At we make it really simple and easy for content creators of all kinds to access the blockchain and make NFTs for exclusive content

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